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Does my child qualify for a 504 Plan?

On Behalf of | Aug 15, 2024 | Education Law |

Every bit of support can make a difference in your child’s education. One tool that might be available to you is a 504 Plan.

What exactly is a 504 Plan? How do you know if your child qualifies?

What is a 504 plan?

A 504 Plan is a customized document that details specific accommodations and support services for students with disabilities in public schools. It aims to promote equal educational opportunities and access.

It is important to note that 504 Plans differ from Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). While both provide support for students with disabilities, IEPs are more comprehensive and fall under special education services.

Who qualifies for a 504 plan?

Students can receive a 504 Plan if they have a condition that substantially hinders their ability to perform essential daily functions. These activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Learning
  • Reading
  • Concentrating
  • Communicating
  • Breathing
  • Walking

A disability can be any condition that hinders a child’s access to the standard educational curriculum, regardless of its direct impact on academic achievement.

How to start the process?

Getting a 504 Plan in New York starts with a request from you, a teacher or a school staff member. Then, the school will review your child’s medical history, school performance and other factors to decide if they need a 504 Plan.

If your child is eligible, a team of teachers and experts will help create a 504 Plan. This plan will list the special help and support your child needs at school.

To ensure the best outcome, consider seeking the help of an attorney who understands special education laws.