Sexual harassment can become a pervasive problem in a New York workplace if it is unchecked and unreported. When a victim of sexual harassment suffers while on the job, they may struggle to keep up with their duties and work-related responsibilities. They may also be unsure of who to turn to with their serious problems.
Victims of sexual harassment can seek the counsel of employment law attorneys to better understand their rights and options under the law. Contrary to what some may believe, sexual harassment can take on different forms. Under the law, there are two recognized forms of sexual harassment: hostile work environment and quid pro quo harassment. This post will discuss each generally, but no part of this post should be read as legal advice.
Hostile work environment harassment
Hostile work environment sexual harassment happens through words and actions. When a victim is subjected to harassing statements, threats, images, and other communications to such an extent that it becomes a hostile place for them to work, they may be a victim of hostile work environment sexual harassment. Hostile work environment harassment can happen between coworkers, or superiors and subordinates.
Quid pro quo harassment
Quid pro quo harassment involves an exchange, often between a supervising party and one of their subordinates. For example, a supervisor may suggest that their subordinate go out to dinner with them in exchange for the subordinate receiving a raise. Quid pro quo harassment generally requires a subordinate to acquiesce to a superior’s sexual request in order to obtain a work benefit.
However sexual harassment presents itself in a New York workplace, a victim should understand that they have rights. They do not have to put up with wrongful and illegal treatment while at work. To protect their interests and options under the law, a sexual harassment victim can seek the counsel and representation of an employment law attorney in their community.