Going to school is easy only for the most gifted. For the rest of us, it is a challenge. Though, for special needs children it is especially challenging, which is why educational accommodation exists. Educational accommodations are essential tools that help remove...
Diligent And Approachable Representation
Samuel L. Drukman, Esq., Attorney At Law, Legal Blog
Can my employer bar me from discussing wages?
In workplaces these days, discussing wages is commonplace. But employers sometimes try to stifle these conversations. Can employers in New York legally restrict their employees from discussing their wages? Federal labor law According to the National Labor Relations...
Must employers grant religious days off during the week?
In New York, employers are legally obligated to accommodate employees’ religious beliefs and practices. This is in line with both federal and state laws safeguarding religious freedom. Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and New York State law, employers...
Basic requirements for a will under New York law
Your last will and testament expresses your wishes for how you want your property distributed after your death, but it does more than that: If properly executed, your will makes your wishes legally enforceable. This means that the executor you name in your will must...
Three powerful defenses to a breach of contract claim
Contracts make the business world function efficiently. While these written agreements can clearly spell out expectations and obligations in business dealings, the terms of a contract aren’t always upheld. When this happens, breach of contract lawsuits can crop up. If...
What is the legal status of non-compete agreements in New York?
Early in 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”), the branch of the federal government responsible for maintaining competition in the market place and work place, issued a notice of rulemaking in which it announced that it was considering a rule that would abrogate...
Workers have protection from religious discrimination
Federal laws and the laws of New York protect workers from religious discrimination. Under federal law, protection from religious discrimination covers several basic points: Employers cannot refuse to hire, fire or take other adverse action because of an employee’s...
Competence is the cornerstone of a valid contract
When you enter the business world, contracts become a part of your daily landscape. They are the backbone of your interactions with partners, employees, employers and clients. They are more than just promises you make to each other. A contract solidifies a deal...
3 crucial mistakes to avoid in partnership dissolution
Business partnerships are built on trust, collaboration and collective expertise. As business owners, your experience significantly contributes to the company, just as your partner brings a crucial perspective to its growth. However, a time may come when your journey...
When is it appropriate to use non-disclosure agreements?
Running a business can come with various challenges, and this is especially true for owners who rely on proprietary and confidential information. In this day and age, protecting data is a priority, mainly if revealing these details can endanger business operations....